Dating my Kids

dateswithmykidsFor the past couple years I have tried to do special dates with my kids individually. Most of the time it is just a couple hours.  I take them shopping for clothes they need or out to eat.  Sometimes it is just taking them on errands with me.  They find it fun and special because it is just me and them.  For some reason they find it fun to walk the grocery store with me.  Picking out fruits and veggies.  Getting excited about the possibility of getting to pick out their favorite type of juice or something as simple as not having to ride in the cart and helping me put the food in the cart.020



The most recent dates I have gone on were clothes shopping and IHOP with my fire fighter.  It was fun because he got to stay up late and got my 100% attention.  Over hot chocolate and pancakes we talked about his favorite colors, the upcoming experience of tball, and any number of things he wanted to talk about.  As I watched him I was amazed at the wonderful little boy he has turned into.  His imagination is huge, when he slows down long enough, he can carry on a pretty amazing conversation about anything. Yes, I am aware of the bias that I have but I think he is pretty amazing.




Today it was the Princesses turn.  She was very excited.  There was the promise of taking pictures of trains (I had to take some pictures for a friend), riding the carrousel and the best part is the ice cream.  She took time to pick out every part of her clothing and even let daddy do her hair.  The excitement as we drove in the parking lot of the carrousel and then when she saw the lights and horses was more then she could contain and she shrieked.  The grins and hugs while the carrousel circled were so fun to watch.  After the many rides and different animals each time we decided it was time for ice cream.  There were many flavors but she settled on strawberry.  She carefully carried her cup to the table.  She was so excited that she was bouncing in the seat until I told her she didn’t have to wait for me.  We sat there watching the carrousel and the kids riding it.  She talked about the different animals and how good the ice cream was.  We ate more ice cream then we should have and topped it off with a couple soft pretzels.

mommydaughterThese are the memories that I will remember of my kids.  I only hope that they remember these dates as well.

14 thoughts on “Dating my Kids

  1. I think this is a great idea! 🙂 Its allows you to spend uninterrupted quality time with both of your children. I know they will remember and appreciate these memories when they get older.


    • It is so worth it! And it doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. Just some undivided attention


  2. I think your kids WILL remember these fun times with their MOMMY! This looks like such a fun idea. One day I want to do this with Little Bee 🙂


  3. I love this very cute idea 🙂 We used to have “DWD” dates with dad.. on a monthly bases and I always looked forward to that and wished we had implemented the same with my mom. Anyway, I love it and am glad you’re doing new things to make you and your kids feel happy! 🙂


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